Friday, August 10, 2012

Whatever is in your way IS your way.

Good Evening.... It's been quite awhile since I've last posted. So many things has happened and not much has happened either. I have been unemployed for 6 months. I want to reitterate the fact that I am a responsible girl who always pay all my bills on time, get my oil check when needed and have always done what I've supposed to. However, since being fired the logical thing to do was to find another job to jump into right away because that is what most responsible people do. Well, I did go on plenty of interviews and even got an offer, however another part of me understood that it may work out and I should just use this opportunity to take a step back and reevaluate what I really want.

I did get unemployment after a month of panic attacks and what ifs. Therefore, I was able to buy some time to do everything I always wanted and really figure out what the hell I want to do with my life and take action.
The last 6 months, I slept, ate, watched TV and did nothing. I was supposed to work out but it never happened because I finally did some skin rejuvenation after many years of being too friendly with the sun. So with the skin peels and what not, I wasn't able to go out in the sun. Anyhow, although I did nothing physically, I did had a chance to think a lot.

I realized that being unemployed makes you very depressing to be around. You just kind of walk around all day kind of depressed even though you really want this break. You start to feel like a loser and not much fun to be around. I stayed in my cave for a few months and felt like I had forgotten to interact with people. I basicaly lost my MOJO! However, I needed money so I started selling things I no longer needed and it has become a good business. I also started actively immersing myself in stocks and it is quite profitable. I have also wrote down a bucket list of everything I want to do and am actually doing it.

Another thing about being unemployed is I have become very dependent on faith and communicating to the higher source. Looking back at the 6 months, It really went by fast and I'm grateful to be exactly where I am at now.

The reason I am writing is because I finally got a job. It is a temporary to perm position and I feel excited and positive about this new endeavor. I feel like it's part of my plan. I finally figured out everything I want in my life and now I needed a plan and the plan was to get a job nearby in OC so I could take the next step which is funding it. I don't see it as a step backward working for someone else even though my dream is to own my own business. I remember a lesson I learned from Candace Silvers who is a human behavior expert and acting coach in Los Angeles. She stated that "Whatever is in your way IS your way."
A good example as when Michaelangel had a vision of creating the renassiance sculpture David. He saw David in his dreams and he could feel David and David needed to be created, but he had no money so in order to do so he had to work for the kind for so many years just to get a slab of marble to create this. Even though he was working at a job he hated, it was part of the plan.

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