Friday, August 10, 2012

Whatever is in your way IS your way.

Good Evening.... It's been quite awhile since I've last posted. So many things has happened and not much has happened either. I have been unemployed for 6 months. I want to reitterate the fact that I am a responsible girl who always pay all my bills on time, get my oil check when needed and have always done what I've supposed to. However, since being fired the logical thing to do was to find another job to jump into right away because that is what most responsible people do. Well, I did go on plenty of interviews and even got an offer, however another part of me understood that it may work out and I should just use this opportunity to take a step back and reevaluate what I really want.

I did get unemployment after a month of panic attacks and what ifs. Therefore, I was able to buy some time to do everything I always wanted and really figure out what the hell I want to do with my life and take action.
The last 6 months, I slept, ate, watched TV and did nothing. I was supposed to work out but it never happened because I finally did some skin rejuvenation after many years of being too friendly with the sun. So with the skin peels and what not, I wasn't able to go out in the sun. Anyhow, although I did nothing physically, I did had a chance to think a lot.

I realized that being unemployed makes you very depressing to be around. You just kind of walk around all day kind of depressed even though you really want this break. You start to feel like a loser and not much fun to be around. I stayed in my cave for a few months and felt like I had forgotten to interact with people. I basicaly lost my MOJO! However, I needed money so I started selling things I no longer needed and it has become a good business. I also started actively immersing myself in stocks and it is quite profitable. I have also wrote down a bucket list of everything I want to do and am actually doing it.

Another thing about being unemployed is I have become very dependent on faith and communicating to the higher source. Looking back at the 6 months, It really went by fast and I'm grateful to be exactly where I am at now.

The reason I am writing is because I finally got a job. It is a temporary to perm position and I feel excited and positive about this new endeavor. I feel like it's part of my plan. I finally figured out everything I want in my life and now I needed a plan and the plan was to get a job nearby in OC so I could take the next step which is funding it. I don't see it as a step backward working for someone else even though my dream is to own my own business. I remember a lesson I learned from Candace Silvers who is a human behavior expert and acting coach in Los Angeles. She stated that "Whatever is in your way IS your way."
A good example as when Michaelangel had a vision of creating the renassiance sculpture David. He saw David in his dreams and he could feel David and David needed to be created, but he had no money so in order to do so he had to work for the kind for so many years just to get a slab of marble to create this. Even though he was working at a job he hated, it was part of the plan.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Here are some tips from my current experience of being unemployed.

1. It is a great time to really figure out exactly what you want to do in all areas of your life. You can now finally start take that class or learn to play that instrument or pick up that hobbie or just finally look into that job you really wanted to pursue.

2. There are many free and low cost health clinics. I have driven by Planned Parenthood a million times and finally decided to check out their website to see the services they offer and wow they offer a lot of aside from being pregnant. They offer physical, pap smear, birth control, etc. They also treat men as when I finally stepped in, I saw a few guys being called in. The sweet nurse practioner also gave me multivitamins to promote good health and a list of free and lost cost doctors and dentists in the area. It's a really great place to go since insurance goes out the window along with being fired.In general, there are so many free and low cost services if you just ask. You can even get a reduction in your electricity and gas bills if you qualify as low income. Free stuff is basically at your disposal.

3. Sell your stuff! I have always had so much crap laying around the house that I have been meaning to get rid of or sell when I had the chance and here was the chance I had been waiting for so I finally got off my lazy bones and took pictures of everything on my Phone and posted it on Ebay and so far I made $340.00. Not bad for clutter I had laying around the house. If you would like to start selling things on Ebay or Craigslist, it is super simple and I can always show you.

4. Work out! It's really funnie how when I was so busy working a full time job, I always said to myself that if I had more time, I could work out and now that I have all the time in the world, it is still tough to get up and get some excercise. But it feels so great after.

5. Hang out with people. We all meet so many people from work, random parties, meetup groups or networking that we say we should hang out and it never happens. Now is the chance to finally hold up to that commitment and meet them for coffee (since lunch can be pricey during unemployment.) or hiking, etc. It is nice to actually take that action and make friends and even spend more time with your family that you don't get to see often. Who knows, maybe they could be the answer to your job search or that business you've been wanting to start.

6. Spend time with yourself. Get to know yourself and take care of yourself. You are a unique and beautiful expression and we all are so busy with work and circumstances and now is the chance to do all the things you've always wanted to be and do.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Taking that leap of faith and pursuing the life you want is pretty scary. Millions of people on this planet have fantasized and day dreamed about living an alter life but proceed on with the their daily circumstances to pay the bills and be secure. I admit it is pretty scary and the fears of failure and self worth has stopped me hundreds of times. Sure, I have read articles, seen people and even talked to people who have this amazing life, but it never occured to me that I could have it to or was deserving of it. I grew up in a poor family where security and health benefits were placed on high regards. To have a job and retire by 65 sounds pretty good compared to the life my parents had in Vietnam. Growing up, I had the same ideals of going to college, finding a good job and working my way up. However, now that I've worked in an office making someone else rich for health benefits and a paycheck, it has hit me if I could do the same for myself and make myself rich. I often wonder if  this it or  if there is more to life than this until I'm 65.

I have talked to many people and read many books, but it doesn't hit you as much until you are really ready to hear it. You can hear all the lessons you need to learn and it just goes out the other ear, until you really are ready for that growth. In a lot of ways, sometimes the Universe makes decisions for you that you should have made for yourself long ago.

The point I'm at right now is as scary as it is to pursue your dreams due to finance, fear, circumstances or even self worth of that lifestyle, it is even a whole lot scarier to envision your life 5-10 years down the road and what it looks like if you don't go after your dreams.

I have learned a lot from being unemployed. Before being unemployed, I alway envied those who could sleep in on weekdays while I had to catch the morning commute, being able to watch morning and daytime talk shows and most of all, I wanted the freedom to go to the post office or even get an oil change if I needed to instead of waiting until the weekend before starting all over again on Monday morning.

I have been unemployed now for a month and at first it felt great. I was so physically and emotionally sick and drain that being let go and having the time to start my own business seems great. I did all the things I was supposed to to like apply for unemployment right away and not spend any money. What I have learned from this experience is that unemployment takes a minimum of one month to even get your checks in the mailbox so if you do not have any savings then it can be very tough financially. The world definitely still goes on and bills are still due despite your economic and financial crises.

I also started to be more empathetic to human conditions and began seeking spiritual guidance. I have been caught up with work and life and thought I had it under control but since hitting bottom financially, I went to church and just laid it all over to God. I have gained a new relationship with God and the Divine. When all else fails, it can't hurt to go all the way and use all the resources you have access to.

Another thing I am learning is that I dreamed of having this time off and now it's actually getting very boring. It's only fun to have free time with money, not free time without any dough to spend leisurely like a nice vacay or finally doing all the things I've always wanted to do. The good thing is that I actually have time to sit and think about what I really want in life. I have always known I always wanted to be self employed and have a flexible schedule. I also always knew that under all the fears of life circumstances and situations, I knew deep down that I had the same  intelligence as any wealthy entreprenuer and I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way about your life circumstances and abilities. What makes you different from any wealthy mogul who is living the life of his/her dreams and you are not aside from the money?

Having this time off and really soul searching and having a self introspection on myself made me realize that I was a dreamer but not action oriented. Hence, why I have taken daily steps to become an action person. I no longer say No when it's easier to stay at home since I'm in my PJs and also taking immediate steps to have what I love in life cause the only way to get Results is through Action and nothing else.We have all heard this many times in our life but I'm committed to walk the walk.

Monday, March 5, 2012


So far the first 2 weeks of being unemployed feels pretty good. I applied to EDD right away and am waiting for my phone interview. If you get laid off, you automatically qualify for unemployment, but when you are fired, there is a phone interview just to make sure and if you quit, well you don't qualify at all.

So far I have had time to really pinpoint and be clear on what I really want in life. 

1. Start a blog to share my journey and hopefully I can inspire someone who is on a similar path.
2. Start my own import/export business focusing on apparel and accessories right now.
3. Building my stocks portfolio.
4. Work on myself and take care of myself mentally, physically and emotionally.
5. Enhance my spirituality through meditation.
6. Dabble in acting.
7. Travel all over the world with my business.

This is it. This is my current list. Now the ACTION part.


Here are a list of my favorite quotes that inspire me. I would love to hear yours....

1. There is a feast waiting for you and you don't even know it.
2. There are no mistakes, only lessons.
3. Sometimes the world make decisions for us that we should have made for ourselves long go.
4. Love doesn't hurt, it heals.

Hello World.

Every blog has a beginning and this is mine. I have never been a blogger, but I am committing to become the person I've always wanted to be cause this right now is life and I don't know what I was waiting for but life is happening right now so I may as well join in the fun. I now have time to write a blog and  this journey now that I am unemployed. I did not get laid off, but fired about 2 weeks ago and I knew right from the beginning that it was a blessing in disguise and felt so much relief even though basic survival fears did cross my mind. I didn't know how I was going to survive but I knew that I couldn't stay here any longer. I was getting emotionally and physically sick and knew that I had to leave sooner or later. I have had very good jobs in the past and even jobs that I knew were not my calling, but I had never been in a position where I was getting sick and exhausted and I felt like I was a zombie. 

When I got fired, I was definitely calm and trusted that the universe will provide, but everyone around me was definitely worried financially for me. Despite all the natural physical fears, I knew and still know today that I am going to be ok. I have no tangible proofs but I believe that the universe will sustain me. 

So fast forward and here I am today starting a blog about my journey from being unemployed and using this time to do all the things I really envisioned in my life but never did because of work, rent, commitments, commuting, etc. This is me trusting in the Universe to provide and taking this time to finally take action toward my goals. I have no excuses to not live my life. 

I am currently in Orange County, CA and was born and raised here although I have worked and commuted to Los Angeles all my life. My parents were the first to come to the United States for a dream of more possibilities. We were definitely not wealthy or even middle class, but my parents did the best they could to provide for us. I grew up in a very sheltered family and was also accompanied everywhere I went. I lived in a bubble inside of the Orange County bubble. I kind of figured out life for myself since I was incredibly sheltered and did not have any mentors. Despite my family not being rich, I still was very spoiled and received everything I wanted and was always uniformed in the best brand of clothes and accessories. When I reached college, I studied business but did not know exactly what I wanted to do and was a very late bloomer in every aspect.

After college with a business degree, I dabbled in different jobs, but finally landed in Fashion which I loved. My friend at the time whom I was living with noticed my love for fashion and informed me that her sister in law works in fashion and got me a gig. I learned a lot about the apparel industry and am so fortunate to be in such a great sector. I have worked within the fashion industry for 5 years now always as an assistant and I know it's because of my assistant mentality, but i'm changing the game and am going to use this free time to be the Boss of my life and take action and I'm excited to share this journey with you.