Monday, March 5, 2012

Hello World.

Every blog has a beginning and this is mine. I have never been a blogger, but I am committing to become the person I've always wanted to be cause this right now is life and I don't know what I was waiting for but life is happening right now so I may as well join in the fun. I now have time to write a blog and  this journey now that I am unemployed. I did not get laid off, but fired about 2 weeks ago and I knew right from the beginning that it was a blessing in disguise and felt so much relief even though basic survival fears did cross my mind. I didn't know how I was going to survive but I knew that I couldn't stay here any longer. I was getting emotionally and physically sick and knew that I had to leave sooner or later. I have had very good jobs in the past and even jobs that I knew were not my calling, but I had never been in a position where I was getting sick and exhausted and I felt like I was a zombie. 

When I got fired, I was definitely calm and trusted that the universe will provide, but everyone around me was definitely worried financially for me. Despite all the natural physical fears, I knew and still know today that I am going to be ok. I have no tangible proofs but I believe that the universe will sustain me. 

So fast forward and here I am today starting a blog about my journey from being unemployed and using this time to do all the things I really envisioned in my life but never did because of work, rent, commitments, commuting, etc. This is me trusting in the Universe to provide and taking this time to finally take action toward my goals. I have no excuses to not live my life. 

I am currently in Orange County, CA and was born and raised here although I have worked and commuted to Los Angeles all my life. My parents were the first to come to the United States for a dream of more possibilities. We were definitely not wealthy or even middle class, but my parents did the best they could to provide for us. I grew up in a very sheltered family and was also accompanied everywhere I went. I lived in a bubble inside of the Orange County bubble. I kind of figured out life for myself since I was incredibly sheltered and did not have any mentors. Despite my family not being rich, I still was very spoiled and received everything I wanted and was always uniformed in the best brand of clothes and accessories. When I reached college, I studied business but did not know exactly what I wanted to do and was a very late bloomer in every aspect.

After college with a business degree, I dabbled in different jobs, but finally landed in Fashion which I loved. My friend at the time whom I was living with noticed my love for fashion and informed me that her sister in law works in fashion and got me a gig. I learned a lot about the apparel industry and am so fortunate to be in such a great sector. I have worked within the fashion industry for 5 years now always as an assistant and I know it's because of my assistant mentality, but i'm changing the game and am going to use this free time to be the Boss of my life and take action and I'm excited to share this journey with you.

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