Sunday, March 18, 2012


Taking that leap of faith and pursuing the life you want is pretty scary. Millions of people on this planet have fantasized and day dreamed about living an alter life but proceed on with the their daily circumstances to pay the bills and be secure. I admit it is pretty scary and the fears of failure and self worth has stopped me hundreds of times. Sure, I have read articles, seen people and even talked to people who have this amazing life, but it never occured to me that I could have it to or was deserving of it. I grew up in a poor family where security and health benefits were placed on high regards. To have a job and retire by 65 sounds pretty good compared to the life my parents had in Vietnam. Growing up, I had the same ideals of going to college, finding a good job and working my way up. However, now that I've worked in an office making someone else rich for health benefits and a paycheck, it has hit me if I could do the same for myself and make myself rich. I often wonder if  this it or  if there is more to life than this until I'm 65.

I have talked to many people and read many books, but it doesn't hit you as much until you are really ready to hear it. You can hear all the lessons you need to learn and it just goes out the other ear, until you really are ready for that growth. In a lot of ways, sometimes the Universe makes decisions for you that you should have made for yourself long ago.

The point I'm at right now is as scary as it is to pursue your dreams due to finance, fear, circumstances or even self worth of that lifestyle, it is even a whole lot scarier to envision your life 5-10 years down the road and what it looks like if you don't go after your dreams.

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